The Ministry of SMEs and Startups(MSS) held an inauguration ceremony to welcome its fifth minister. The event was held on January 2 at Eoullim Hall, located on the 4th floor of the MSS building in Sejong. The ceremony was attended by over 200 people, including Vice Minister OH Kee-woong, various department heads, executives from the headquarters, employees from affiliated agencies, and subsidiary organizations.
The inauguration ceremony lasted about 30 minutes and began with the pledge of allegiance. OH Youngju, the new minister, greeted the MSS employees and shared her New Year’s wishes.
During the ceremony, Minister OH mentioned that she feels a great sense of mission and responsibility as the Minister of SMEs and Startups, who represents 7.7 million small and medium-sized enterprises, startups, and microenterprises. Being the second Minister of SMEs and Startups in the YOON administration, she shared her opinions on three important aspects: the standards of work, future policy direction, and organizational operation direction.
During the tea time after the inauguration ceremony, she emphasized, “The role of affiliated organizations is important since these affiliated organizations maintain close contact with stakeholders in each field of MSS policy.” She encouraged them to continue sharing the vivid voices of the field.
After the inauguration, she toured the MSS offices to see the work environment and communicate with employees who could not attend the inauguration ceremony.
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