Google for Entrepreneurs to launch “Campus Seoul” in 2015


On August 27, 2014, Google for Entrepreneurs announced its plans to establish Campus Seoul, the third in its series of entrepreneurial sanctuaries across the world. The first two Google Campuses are in London and Tel Aviv.

Google Campuses are vehicles conceived by Google for Entrepreneurs, a team that works with startup communities around the world to create environments in which entrepreneurs and startup companies can gain the tools they need to thrive.

Korean startups have been leaving massive imprints around the world, particularly in the mobile app industry. In fact, Google’s Senior Partnership and Program Manager Bridgette Beam remarked that Korea’s flourishing startup ecosystem is the drive for the conception of Campus Seoul.

The underlying objective of Campus Seoul is to empower entrepreneurs by giving them a space to learn, network, and create their own companies. Mentorships and training programs led by the local startup community, and experienced entrepreneurs from Google will further enhance such opportunities.

And this particular establishment promises a number of additional programs like Campus for Moms, CampusEDU, and TechTalks. Campus for Moms provides a “baby-friendly” setting for innovative women to develop their ideas with like-minded people. CampusEDU, which will be geared towards “early-stage entrepreneurs,” will be structured to provide the fundamentals of business, marketing, law, technology, and more. TechTalks will bring notable thinkers and leaders to the Campus to provide participants expertise and insight.

The launching of Campus Seoul will undoubtedly mark a significant achievement in the East Asian tech industry. Not only will it be the first of its kind in the region, but the institution will also provide opportunities for global education through exchange programs with other Google Campuses.

Google is currently preparing the launch of Campus São Paulo and Campus Warsaw.


Source : Google for Entrepreneurs to launch “Campus Seoul” in 2015

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