Mobiscape, the map of the Korean mobile advertisement market

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The entire mobile advertisement market at a glance! “Mobiscape, the map of the Korean mobile advertisement market”, a company specializing in mobile marketing, launched “Mobiscape, the map of the Korean mobile advertisement market” which enables users to look at the entire Korean mobile advertisement market at a glance.

Through Mobiscape, users can easily understand the fast growing Korean mobile advertisement market system such as the DSP(Demand Side Platform), and SSP(Supply Side Platform), as well as the major players within.

Mobidays has launched and regularly updated Mobiscape in order to aid with a faster understanding of the Korean mobile advertisement market that has been growing since last October. The recently updated Mobiscape, KR1.3, has undergone updates with mainly Facebook and Anyalytics in mind and the details about these updates can be found in the official Facebook page ( of Mobidays, Slideshare ( and Linkedin (

Mobidays was founded in June of 2014 in order to invigorate the Korean mobile ecosystem and the mobile advertisement market. Later in August, the Mobile Advertisement Research Institute was opened, and various contents such as the ‘Korean mobile advertisement map’, ‘Korean mobile games map’, ‘Music app chart Top10’, and ‘Monthly mobile market trend report’ have been created and distributed.

구슬 / PR&Marketing / BBB
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