Between, Instant Messaging App for Couples, Launches its PC Version


VCNC, a South Korean mobile app developer launched the PC version of Between, an instant messaging app designed for couples. VCNC CEO Jae Wook Park said, “there has been great demand for the PC version of the app for the past three years, especially since a lot of our users are office workers who spend most of their time sitting in front of their computers.”

The company finalized its plans for PC service earlier this year and proceeded with the development process. VCNC tested a closed beta service in early September, and saw an 85% increase in the usage of its PC app, most notably between 8AM and 6PM.

Starting its service back in 2011, Between has now established itself as one of the most downloaded chat apps with almost 10 million downloads in Korea and 8 million in Japan, China, and Taiwan. Having achieved this feat in its first 3 years, VCNC has received investments from Softbank Ventures, Stonebridge Capital, and KTB Network. It recently also received an offer of strategic investment from DeNA, a Japan-based mobile portal and e-commerce website.

Between has more than 50 million messages and 20,000 photos exchanged daily by active users thanks to the closed, private feeling of the app. CEO Park said he got the inspiration to develop Between from the increased stress caused by the overly open nature of social media — your grandmother friending you on Facebook, your boss following you on Twitter, and the FedEx delivery man popping up as “people you may know” on KakaoTalk.

Between solves this problem for young lovebirds, those most in need of privacy on social media. Park designed the app so that it can actually help improve relationships beyond the skin-deep level that is prevalent on many other social media platforms.

VCNC recently set up branches in Japan, Singapore, and Taiwan, actively seeking to venture into the global market beyond Korea. It hopes to launch live release of Between after incorporating feedback from Beta users. Between for Mac will be available soon after the formal launch. Beta version of Between is available to download on its official website.


Source : Between, Instant Messaging App for Couples, Launches its PC Version

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