Video Editor Startup Vapshion(뱁션) Secures Investment from Bon Angels


On Mar. 13, CEO of Bon Angels Byungkyu Chang announced that Bon Angels has invested in video editing software startup Vapshion.

Since its launch, Vapshion has won several startup competitions, including ‘KDB Enterprise Challege’ and ‘2014 Young Businessman Award,’ which was hosted by South Korea’s Ministry of Education. It currently provides video, photo, and audio editing softwares ‘Vapmix’, ‘Vapshion’, ‘Vapcut’, ‘Mucut’, and ‘Vappotho’.

The main products, Vapshion and Vapmix, allow users to embellish plain videos recorded with cellphones or camcorders, into quality videos resembling clips in popular television programs. In addition to various editing tools and effect filters, it provides over 1,000 types of TV show-style subtitles.

Particularly, the subtitle editing software ‘Vapshion’ has spiked in popularity recently. Attracting both amateur and professionals video editors, Vapshion has accumulated over 200,000 registered users so far.

“There are increasing number of users who edit and share the video they took on SNS” said CEO of Vapshion Younghwa Seo. He added, “By providing easy-to-use functions and UI along with customer analysis and quick execution, we will continue to add new functions and effects to our product.”

“Other than focusing solely on mobile industry, we hope to create a favorable environment for PC software industry as well,” said Chang. “Since Vapshion allows users to transform everyday videos into commercial quality videos and has a lot of different applications, we look forward to a rapid growth in the near future”


Source : Video Editor Startup Vapshion Secures Investment from Bon Angels

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