ALL TECH KOREAReport글로벌인사이트투자

(Report) Startup Investment Trends in Korea


We publish research reports analyzing 2015 Annual Domestic Startups’ Investment Trends. The report summarizes the monthly investment trends, investments by scale, investments by business type/period, investor companies, and annual M&A status in 2015 based on publicly released 233 cases of startups’ investments, 40 cases of M&A information.

We hope this report helps readers understand domestic startups’ investment trends.

Basic Data Used in the 2015 Annual Domestic Startups’ Investment Trends Report

1. Number of Investment Promotion and M&A in 2015 : 273 (233 Promotions and 40 M&As)

2. Number of Startups Promoting Investment(Investee Companies) in 2015 : 210 (177 companies with full disclosure, 26 partial disclosure, and 7 nondisclosure of the amount)

3. Number of Businesses Involved in Investment in 2015 : 160 (with names released)

  • * For companies promoted investment more than twice a year figures have been calculated based on the accumulative investment amount(including partially disclosed amount).
  • * Investment scale graph is targeting the 184 companies with fully disclosed and/or partially disclosed amount only.
  • * Assessment of business period has been calculated with Dec 2015 as an end date. * Most joint investors do not open their investment amounts, thus, only the numbers of investment participation and scale of investment have been applied.


다양한 분야의 이야기를 접하고 새로운 것을 습득하는 것을 좋아합니다. 국내외 산업 현황을 연구하고 정리합니다.

Seunghee Han is a Senior researcher of Platum.
She likes to get acquainted with various stories and learn new things. She is studying and summarizing the current status of domestic and overseas industries


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