The ‘Festival of Stars’ Startup All Star League is here… ‘Poscore’ MVP
Banks Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs D.CAMP(은행권청년창업재단 디캠프) hosted the startup festival ‘2023 D.CAMP All Star League’ at Front1 in Mapo on the 29th. D.CAMP held ...
DEEPSMARTECH won the regional league of D.DAY organized by the Bank Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs, D.CAMP, which was held at W360 in Jeju Island on ...
[On-Site] Startups on the Runway…COEX Filled with Innovators
Korea’s longest running startup demo day, “D-Day” was held on the 2nd at the COEX Grand Ballroom. Organized by D.CAMP, the Banks Foundation for Young ...
Taling (CEO: Yoonhwan Kim) won April D.DAY hosted by D.CAMP (Banks Foundation for Young Entrepreneurs) on April 27th. Taling is a startup that provides online ...