South Korean healthcare startup Dr. Kitchen lands USD 2 M to expand meal plan services
DR. KITCHEN (CEO, Park Jae-yeon), a healthcare startup based in Korea, announced on October 10 that the company has attracted KRW 2.3 billion worth of ...
Healthcare is Rising as the Future of Corporates and Startups
Healthcare is considered as the future’s most profitable business according to number of research firm. As mobile and M2M (machine to machine) technology are becoming ...
애플(Apple)은 지난 3일(현지시각) 샌프란시스코(San Francisco, CA)의 모스콘 센터(Moscone Center)에서 열린 WWDC (Apple Worldwide Developers Conference)를 통해 소문만 무성하던 디지털헬스(Digital Health) 분야 진출을 본격화했다. 이날 행사의 ...
데이브 디킨슨(Dave Dickinson) 전 지오(Zeo)社 최고경영자(CEO)는 지난 5년간의 경험을 바탕으로 “개인건강데이터가 행동변화의 동기를 유발할 수 있는가(Can personal health data motivate behavioral change)?“라는 질문에 대한 네 ...